الجمعة، 28 مارس 2008

>>? How well do you know yourself

Are you aware of what makes you tick or are you confused about yourself? This test will help you in discovering how well you know yourself

This is not a timed test. The options are mentioned; please check the option closest to your
answer. Do not leave any question unanswered
  1. Some friends ask you to look after their cat while they go on holiday for a week. You are not fond of pets. How do you respond?

    ( ) Say that you’d love to, but remind them what you are like with animals.

    ( ) After a few moans and groans say that you’ll do it.

    ( ) Say that you’ve made a rule not to look after pets, and that you apply that rule equally to all your friends.
  2. A friend you believed to he close suddenly breaks off all communication for no apparent reason. You are puzzled and phone and write but get no reply. What do you do?
    ( )Reason that a true friend will get back in touch and wait for that to happen.

    ( )Continue writing and phoning, asking what’s wrong and saying how upset you are at the lack of response.

    ( )Contact some mutual friends to try to get to the bottom of it.
  3. A friend says you are looking under the weather and suggests you go to the doctor. How do you respond?
    ( )Say OK, maybe it’s for the best and that you have been feeling off-colour.

    ( )Say you’ll go but that you’re not expecting anything.

    ( )Ask what the point is when all they do is say the same old thing and send you off with some pills to swallow.

  4. You suffer a number of setbacks at something you have been good at. How do you respond?
    ( )Say to yourself that you must have ‘lost it’.

    ( )Say to yourself that you haven’t suddenly become poor at this overnight and that the knack will return.

    ( )Say to yourself that if only others would help you more, you could get back to where you were.

  5. You meet a couple at a party you haven’t seen for at least five years. The first thing they do is to make a personal remark about your appearance. How do you respond?
    ( )Respond tit for tat with a personal remark.

    ( )Decide that they have blurted it out on account of being flustered, and let the remark pass.

    ( )Counter by saying to them that they always did make personal remarks and that nothing has changed

  6. Something you badly wanted fails to materialize. How do you respond?
    ( )Say to yourself that there’ll be other opportunities in the future.

    ( )Say to yourself that it wasn’t meant to happen on this occasion.

    ( )Say to yourself that you shouldn’t have set your heart on the thing in the first place.

  7. A job comes up. For you to do it would be a bit of a stretch but someone you trust suggests that you put your name forward. How do you respond?
    ( )Decide that you are not sure, and that you will have a better chance next time.

    ( )Decide that it’s too much of a stretch and don’t apply.

    ( )Say to yourself, ‘Why not? What’s the worst that could happen?’ and put your name forward.

  8. You fail in something that is quite new to you. How do you respond?
    ( )Conclude that the odds were stacked against you.

    ( )Tell yourself that you’ve learnt from the experience and that you’ll know how to succeed next time.

    ( )Tell yourself that you gave it your best shot.

الأحد، 23 مارس 2008


Every day is so wonderful, then suddenly,

It's hard to breathe

Now and then, I get insecure from all the pain

I'm so ashamed

I am beautiful no matter what they say

Words can't bring me down

I am beautiful in every single way

Yes, words can't bring me down, oh no

So, don't you bring me down today

To all your friends, you're delirious

So consumed in all your doom

Trying hard to fill the emptiness, the pieces gone,

Left the puzzle undone, is that the way it is?

You are beautiful no matter what they say

Words can't bring you down, oh no

'Cause you are beautiful in every single way

Yes, words can't bring you down, oh no

So, don't you bring me down today

No matter what we do

No matter what we say

We're the song inside the tune

Full of beautiful mistakes

And everywhere we go,

The sun will always shine

And tomorrow we might

Awake on the other side'

Cause we are beautiful no matter what they say

Yes, words won't bring us down, no no

We are beautiful in every single way

Yes, words can't bring us down, oh no

So, don't you bring me down today

Don't you bring me down today

Don't you bring me down today

الجمعة، 21 مارس 2008

The World is a Beautiful Place

The world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don't mind happiness
not always being
so very much fun
if you don't mind a touch of hell
now and then
just when everything is fine
because even in heaven
they don't sing
all the time
The world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don't mind some people dying
all the time
or maybe only starving
some of the time
which isn't half bad
if it isn't you
Oh the world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don't much mind
a few dead minds
in the higher places
or a bomb or two
now and then
in your upturned faces
or such other improprietiesas
our Name Brand society
is prey to
with its men of distinction
and its men of extinction
and its priestsand other patrolmen
and its various segregations
and congressional investigations
and other constipations
that our fool flesh
is heir to
Yes the world is the best place of all
for a lot of such things as making the fun scene
and making the love scene
and making the sad scene
and singing low songs and having inspirations
and walking around
looking at everything
and smelling flowers
and goosing statues
and even thinking
and kissing people and
making babies and wearing pants
and waving hats and
and going swimming in river
son picnicsin the middle of the summer
and just generally'living it up'
but then right in the middle of it comes the smiling

الأحد، 9 مارس 2008

Nice cat

What is your opinion or feeling about this picture? give your comment

الاثنين، 3 مارس 2008

الجمعة، 29 فبراير 2008

Eat Chocolate, It's Good For You

  1. You might think chocolate is sinful, but it’s a lot better for you than you think. In fact, it has been used for hundreds of years by medical professionals to cure ailments such as tuberculosis, gout, fatigue, diarrhea, weak digestion, hemorrhoids, low virility, and shortness of breath.
    Recent nutritional research has identified many health benefits of chocolate. After reviewing these studies, I came up with the following ten reasons why you need to consume more chocolate.
    Reduces high blood pressure - flavonoids in cocoa (procyanids) help balance blood pressure and reduce blood clotting. Researchers from Germany’s University Hospital of Cologne found that cocoa consumption lowered blood pressure by an average of 4.7/2.8 mm Hg. The New York Times reported that dark chocolate is almost as effective at lowering blood pressure as common antihypertensive drug.
  2. Improves blood flow to brain - a University of Nottingham professor found that drinking cocoa drinks rich in flavanols improves blood flow to key areas of the brain for two to three hours. Flavanols in the cocoa drink are a key ingredient of dark chocolate. Professor Macdonald’s study also suggested that cocoa flavanols in chocolate may enhance brain function to help fight sleep deprivation, fatigue, and the effects of ageing.
  3. Boosts mood - MSNBC reported that caffeine and other chemicals in dark chocolate can improve your mood and ease premenstrual symptoms. Mark’s Daily Apple wrote that the chemical phenylethylamine in chcolate has been found to trigger feelings similar to “falling in love.”
    Prevents cell damage and Improves blood sugar levels - Lisa C. Cohn, R.D., President of the Park Avenue Nutrition Spa in NYC, wrote that flavonoids in pure dark chocolate are responsible for these added benefits. Cohn said, “if you’re going to indulge on Feb. 14 or any other day, go for the purest dark chocolate you can find. That’s the kind loaded with flavonoids…”
    Reduces risk of heart attack - a researcher from the John Hopkins University School of Medicine said that eating a few squares of dark chocolate every day may reduce your risk of dying from a heart attack by almost 50%. The study found that blood platelets clotted slower in people who eat chocolate.
    Helps ease chronic fatigue syndrome - a study found that adults with chronic fatigue syndrome who eat 1.5 ounces of 85% cocoa dark chocolate were less fatigued after they eat chocolate.
    Raises HDL cholesterol and lowers LDL cholesterol - a Penn State study found that diets high in cocoa powder and dark chocolate (with high flavonoid content) are related to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels when compared with diets low in flavonoids such as tea, wine, coffee, and onions.
    Improves processing of blood sugar - an Italian study found that dark chocolate consumption increased the body’s metabolism of blood sugar and may reduce the risk of diabetes.
    Eases a persistent cough - a UK study found that theobromine, a component in cocoa, may be more effective as a cough medicine than standard drug treatments. The research showed that “theobromine acts on the sensory nerve endings of the vagus nerve, which runs through the airways in the lungs to the brain.”
    Many chocolates can be high in calories, sugar, and saturated fat. To maximize the health benefits of chocolate, avoid eating processed chocolate products that have refined sugar and milk fat.
    Instead, choose the purest dark chocolate you can find - the more raw and unprocessed, the higher the flavonoid content. The best dark chocolate to eat has at least 60% cocoa solids.

الاثنين، 25 فبراير 2008

Things that make life happy...

...standing at the edge of a forest with the leaves of the trees beckoning you in like welcoming hands
...to explore the wonders of nature
...a hug from a loved one
...the smell of clean sheets
...a warm smile from a stranger
...singing (go figure!)
...the taste of a fresh strawberry
...Clean Fun on AOL
...Knowing where your teenagers are when you lay down to sleep at night.
...the sound of a child's laughter
...the dew on the fields in early morning
...feeling the presence of my Angel's around me, to protect me
...The smile you get in return when smiling at someone
...A hug, being able to be there for a friend or stranger in their time of need....
.... a hug from someone you love
...a child's smile
...birds singing
...waves lapping on the shore
... a puppy wagging it's tail
...daffodils in the Spring
... a card from an old friend who you haven't had contact with for years, just as if it was yesterday
...ducks landing on a pond
...the look of a child , when surprised
...your dentist tells you , no cavities
...Waking up in the morning with thoughts of that special man in my life.
...Listening to my granddaughter Aimee singing You are my Sunshine to me.
...Hearing my son say to me " Mom I love you alot.
...Hearing Aimee say."Gamma, I love you truly,
...Seeing my Jim and being able to look into his eyes and hear him say he loves me, and feeling his gentle tough .
...the cuddle and giggle of a child
...the embrace of a man that truly loves you
...the warmth you feel when you have been able to help someone with a problem
...my childrens' faces
...summer sunsets
...crashing waves
...knowing that I finally found my one true love (even if I can't be with him)
...a cool breeze on a balmy night
...the sound of a slot machine hitting the jackpot
...health (of course)
...a happy story in the paper amidst all the bad ones
...a good book
...a warm summer day
...the smell of spring
...the smell of the ocean
...sleeping in
...the smile from a baby
...a hug
...hearing my husband say "Lets go out for dinner!"
...finally finishing a project that was a Mother's Day gift for my mother two years ago
...finding out the phone wasn't for me
...turning on the TV and discovering that I just missed a Presidential speech
...that perfectly straight 300 yard drive!!!!!
...Or a 175 yard hole in one!!! :)
...line-dried sheets
...Springsteen's unplugged version of Thunder Road
...peeling an orange
...the way a room sounds in the morning when it's snowed overnight (even before you turn on the light or raise the blinds)
...an Irish brogue
...a good walking stick
...writing w/ a fountain pen on thick, vellum paper
...having my husband brush my hair
...an unexpected breeze on a summer day
...cafe latte
...trolley swaying
...silk robe with fringe
...screen doors
...pink sweet peas
...smell of sage coming from the oven on Thanksgiving
...high heels
...Every student passing my math test!!
...When things work out RIGHT for a change.
...The smell of fresh cut grass
...a random act of kindness
... getting flowers unexpectadly from that special someone
...Having an attached garage. . . and it's raining.
...Knowing your friends really care about you
...Getting your name inside an AOL "hug" {{{{{{{{{NAME}}}}}}}}
...Watching "Touched by an Angel" and being touched by the ending
...Having your wife return to you
...Having your first child
...Finally realizing that big boys DO cry and it's OK
...The soft breathing of your wife while asleep in your arms
...your sister's last day on chemo
...a warm towel out of a shower
...receiving a rose "just because"
...playing in a summer shower
...wading in the surf on a moonlite night
...seeing a bird drink at your birdbath on a hot summer day
...your husband giving you the remote
...seeing a program on tv that's not a re-run
...a quilt, a cup of hot chocolate, your hubby and a swing on your front porch
...a sunset at the beach
...no spam in your e-mail
...an unexpected visit fr/your sons (they just drove 400 miles to see you smile)
...a warm fire, when you come in from working in the rain in winter
Giving oneself and receiving from a best friend
...while out shopping, you find you have one more check
...telephone answering machines when you're having supper
...you remember you DID unplug the iron - 100 miles into your vacation
...as it really begins to rain, you spy your umbrella in the back seat, as you park the car for that oh so important business meeting
...you have enough gas to make it to the gas station
...and unexpected "thank you"
...realizing that even though you're a senior in college and absolutely broke you can still have fun with the big hill you climb every day to get to class....an old slip -n- slide a lot of rain and 4 of your best friends :)
...my mother kissing me on my forehead
...hearing an "I love you" from someone who has never said it before
...watching babies sleep
...people that make you smile just by being near you
...Daddy's with their little girls on their shoulders
...affectionate families
...people that look out for one another
...watching the sunset with the one you love
...walking in my garden in early morning
...my grand-daughter asleep on my lap
...my son graduating from high school (I never did)
...my grown daughter telling me she loves me everyday
...my son's friends thinking that he has the best Mom
...a kiss blown from across the room from my grand-children
...being 51 yrs. old and finally finding peace with my life
...memories of the smell of my Mom's cooking
...my 17 yr old son not being afraid to hug me in public
...being blessed with good friends
...when my husband says "I filled up your van with gasoline"
...Root beer floats
...Finding a hummingbird nest
...Licking the bowl when making chocolate chip cookies
...Flowers blooming in my garden that I planted myself.
...Butterflies and hummingbirds.
...Running horses.
...Cuddling with my cat.
...Finally deciding that being "just me" is good enough for anyone. And I only have to please that lady who looks back at me in the mirror each day. The rest of friends, lovers, relatives are frosting on a very wonderful cake called life.
...My grandaughter..she makes my life complete!
...My teenager daughter still liking me to brush her hair and get all the tangles out for here.
...Hearing my dad say "I'm proud of you" and knowing that he means it
...Having a husband that trusts me.
...Hearing job weel done
...knowing you 30 yr old child has fianlly grown up
...Having your Grandson hug you for no reason
...having your grandson let you hug him for no reason
...Spending time with your closest friends, that you don't get to see very often.
...Having your 17 yr. old son STILL confiding in you!
...When your 17 yr. old wishes to spend time with his mom, rather than go out with his friends.
...Having your mom as a BEST friend!
...Having your son as a best friend!
..When your 17 yr. old son calls you from another state just so you can hear a song on the radio that reminded him of you! (Boys II Men's "Mamma")
...Knowing that God loves me and Jesus died on the cross and because of that one day I will live in eternity where life will be perfect.
...laying on the couch with my 3 girls and snuggling and them saying "mommy, you are a good mom."
...Hearing your young child laugh in another room when you know they are alone.
...The smell of fresh cut grass
...Snow lightly falling on Christmas eve
...curling up with a good book in front of the fireplace
...to be lucky enough to have people who know you so well they are able to make you laugh even when you're crying
...finally knowing what being loved by a partner feels like
...hearing your kids say "mommy....i love you" just because
...a flock of birds in perfect formation
...receiving a "NO Audit this year" notice from the IRS
...being in love
...being able to help others
...watching the whales play at sunset
...lists of things that make life happy
...filling a wagon with water and floating dandelions all across the top for my mother on mothers day...(with my brother when we were children)
...a prayer or song from my grandchildren with the innocent love that they possess.
...snuggling under a homemade quilt
...twinkling stars
...Coming back home after being away at college for four long years and realizing there is nothing as great as a family that not only loves each other....but LIKES each other
...having my 14 yr old daughter say "thank you for letting my friends come over mom"
...Having a husband that I can TRUST in EVERY aspect of our lives TOGETHER !!!!
...Being in the Eastern Sierra: the booming wind, the smell of sage and chamisa, the bright sun in an empty deep blue sky, and the snowfields on gray granite.
...Living in a place where all roads lead to neighbors.
...a full moon, a perfect crescent moon, riding a Harley on a summer night, puppy breath, a baby's kiss
...having your husband as a BEST FRIEND.
...Knowing Jesus realy does exist and that Jesus really does love me!!
...Online friends who keep writing after many years
...knowing that your bills are caught up for the month.
...Acting your shoe size!
......Toasting marshmallows on an open "Magic Fire", while listening to the sounds of nature
...Seeing your children smile and knowing that they really do love you even when life is travelling down the rough road for us!
...Waking up in the morning, and hurry out of bed only to realize it's saturday and you don't have to be at work.
...Having either one of your Parents, depend on you every day to help them, instead of Vice Versa.
...the sight of my beautiful wife
Remembering those scented lollipop ink pens and Flatsy dolls from my childhood and then coming upon them in a specialty store.
...playing with my cat simon-from Kelsey
...just watching my kids play
...Hearing my 9 month old son giggle and laugh from another room as dad tickles him profusely.
...lists like this that can make even the worst mood good again.
...Just to see a smile on the face of my mother
...My kitten in a shoebox
...raking fall leaves
...Memories of a road trip to the coast with your best friend that is also your girlfriend that you love.
...being with your family.
...being on holiday with your family and all feeling happy at the same time.
...nursing a sick animal back to health.
...an unexpected gift for no reason.
...Having sight to read this list.
...Knowing that the one your supposed to spend the rest of your life with is out there somewhere!
...chocolate and sweeties and little babies who smile at you and knowing you are happy
...a drive in the country
...first robin in the spring
...Holding hands with someone you care about.
...Swinging on swings.
...Your first kiss.
...Clothes that fit perfectly.
...people that are always real .
...someone to like you for who you are
...Walking on a deserted beach.
...Eating dinner in your pajamas.
...Finding lip balm in your coat pocket.
...your children in the house when you come home from work.
...that you have a job to go to every day even if you hate to go.
...the ability to think clearly.
...Keeping a comfortable home.
...A gentle touch.
...100% pure honey.
...Homemade cookies.
...that you have one good friend that you can trust in .
...Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
...sleeping in late on the weekend
...Sunday brunch with some old friends
...Cable TV.
...having the day off with pay.
...smelling bacon or coffee in the morning.
...knowing that you have a good friend and his name is Jesus
...making the last payment on your house note.
...Lighting a candle.
...Eating a soft pretzel.
...remembering your children's first steps and their first word
...Reading a new book.
...Ice cream.
...Reading the whole newspaper.
...Going to someone's wedding .
...Getting baptized
...Seeing your children get a better job than you
...Getting a raise in pay
...Paying your bills on time and keeping your credit good.
...No alarm clock ringing.
...Someone giving you a hug when you come home from a long day of work
...losing 30 pounds
...Judging a little less and forgiving a little more.
...learning to scuba dive.
...going on a cruise
...Being myself .
...managing my time better .
...giving blood to someone who need it.
...passing your driving test on the first try.
...starting my own business.
...saving more money .
...hosting a dinner party .
...being calm facing the problems in life.
...having a child and learning to be a good parent to the child .
...waking up with a smile and going the sleep with that same smile .
...buying a house
...taking vitamins on a regular basis .
...eating healthier - no more fast food .
...making Saturday my free day for my self .
...taking a trip around the world .
...staying smoke free.
...the confidence that I'm going to heaven when it's my time to go.
...finishing my degree.
...getting rich.
...running a marathon .
...when blood pressure is a normal rate.
...going bike riding with friends.
...learning to cook healthy vegetarian dishes.
...paying off my student loans.
...to stop living from paycheck to paycheck.
...to win the lottery.
...to learn sign language
...to learn a new word every day.
...to read 30 book in 2005
...to spend more time with the family.
...to learn how program things on the computer
...to take vacation to Hawaii.
...to visit my parent more often and spend time with them.
...Laughing so much your face hurts
...to see a beautiful girl with a flower in here right ear
...When military people get to come home safely to their family.
...When my husband gets off the boat to come home.
...For all my children to be happy and not argue.
...The smells off the back bay in Galveston, with its decay/rot/renewal of life, in an endless cycle
...Eating Ice cream right out of the Carton!!!!!
...when you think you are worth nothing, someone thanks you for being there in their life and tells you that you mean the world to them.
...when you are so sick of life and what is going on then someone special comes along and turns your grey sky to blue again!
...doing something you know you'll never forget
...The smell of a baby
...Rocking a child
...The smile on my husbands face when he comes home
...A back rub
...A foot rub
...A family party
...To be loved back
...knowing someone really loves you!
...blue skys
...completing a project
...getting out of bed early and feeling awake
...My husbands hands
...Having a friend who you know will stick by you whatever happens, and knowing that you'd do exactly the same for them
...feeling loved
...hugging my huge tree in the garden and let it know we can share energy!!
...making someone else happy
...when someone says "you've made my day!"
...playing with children
...marrying the person you love and do not marry anybody under compulsion.
...Having a good cry, letting everything out until you feel only human again!
...When you solve a problem
...When you open your eyes and know everything is okay
...When your friends call and say they miss you
...When you sleep and nothing is on your mind
...when you drink a cold glass of water on a hot day
...Looking forward for a new day
...keeping in contact with loved ones and friends
...sleeping late on a day off from work
...helping others
...a water ice and mustard pretzel on a summer day .
...being there for someone
...being in love again with your mate like it's the first time
...trying to live and learn
...Getting that first smile from your new baby grandchild
...knowing that the gal you love, loves you as much as you do !
...When my cat comes and snuggles with me in the middle of the nite.
...Planting a kiss on the puffy, warm cheeks of my children, as they drift off to sleep
...Smelling the fresh, crisp air on my husband as he comes in from the outdoors
...Having long talks with my mom, while in our nightgowns,during the wee hours of the morning