الجمعة، 28 مارس 2008

>>? How well do you know yourself

Are you aware of what makes you tick or are you confused about yourself? This test will help you in discovering how well you know yourself

This is not a timed test. The options are mentioned; please check the option closest to your
answer. Do not leave any question unanswered
  1. Some friends ask you to look after their cat while they go on holiday for a week. You are not fond of pets. How do you respond?

    ( ) Say that you’d love to, but remind them what you are like with animals.

    ( ) After a few moans and groans say that you’ll do it.

    ( ) Say that you’ve made a rule not to look after pets, and that you apply that rule equally to all your friends.
  2. A friend you believed to he close suddenly breaks off all communication for no apparent reason. You are puzzled and phone and write but get no reply. What do you do?
    ( )Reason that a true friend will get back in touch and wait for that to happen.

    ( )Continue writing and phoning, asking what’s wrong and saying how upset you are at the lack of response.

    ( )Contact some mutual friends to try to get to the bottom of it.
  3. A friend says you are looking under the weather and suggests you go to the doctor. How do you respond?
    ( )Say OK, maybe it’s for the best and that you have been feeling off-colour.

    ( )Say you’ll go but that you’re not expecting anything.

    ( )Ask what the point is when all they do is say the same old thing and send you off with some pills to swallow.

  4. You suffer a number of setbacks at something you have been good at. How do you respond?
    ( )Say to yourself that you must have ‘lost it’.

    ( )Say to yourself that you haven’t suddenly become poor at this overnight and that the knack will return.

    ( )Say to yourself that if only others would help you more, you could get back to where you were.

  5. You meet a couple at a party you haven’t seen for at least five years. The first thing they do is to make a personal remark about your appearance. How do you respond?
    ( )Respond tit for tat with a personal remark.

    ( )Decide that they have blurted it out on account of being flustered, and let the remark pass.

    ( )Counter by saying to them that they always did make personal remarks and that nothing has changed

  6. Something you badly wanted fails to materialize. How do you respond?
    ( )Say to yourself that there’ll be other opportunities in the future.

    ( )Say to yourself that it wasn’t meant to happen on this occasion.

    ( )Say to yourself that you shouldn’t have set your heart on the thing in the first place.

  7. A job comes up. For you to do it would be a bit of a stretch but someone you trust suggests that you put your name forward. How do you respond?
    ( )Decide that you are not sure, and that you will have a better chance next time.

    ( )Decide that it’s too much of a stretch and don’t apply.

    ( )Say to yourself, ‘Why not? What’s the worst that could happen?’ and put your name forward.

  8. You fail in something that is quite new to you. How do you respond?
    ( )Conclude that the odds were stacked against you.

    ( )Tell yourself that you’ve learnt from the experience and that you’ll know how to succeed next time.

    ( )Tell yourself that you gave it your best shot.

الأحد، 23 مارس 2008


Every day is so wonderful, then suddenly,

It's hard to breathe

Now and then, I get insecure from all the pain

I'm so ashamed

I am beautiful no matter what they say

Words can't bring me down

I am beautiful in every single way

Yes, words can't bring me down, oh no

So, don't you bring me down today

To all your friends, you're delirious

So consumed in all your doom

Trying hard to fill the emptiness, the pieces gone,

Left the puzzle undone, is that the way it is?

You are beautiful no matter what they say

Words can't bring you down, oh no

'Cause you are beautiful in every single way

Yes, words can't bring you down, oh no

So, don't you bring me down today

No matter what we do

No matter what we say

We're the song inside the tune

Full of beautiful mistakes

And everywhere we go,

The sun will always shine

And tomorrow we might

Awake on the other side'

Cause we are beautiful no matter what they say

Yes, words won't bring us down, no no

We are beautiful in every single way

Yes, words can't bring us down, oh no

So, don't you bring me down today

Don't you bring me down today

Don't you bring me down today

الجمعة، 21 مارس 2008

The World is a Beautiful Place

The world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don't mind happiness
not always being
so very much fun
if you don't mind a touch of hell
now and then
just when everything is fine
because even in heaven
they don't sing
all the time
The world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don't mind some people dying
all the time
or maybe only starving
some of the time
which isn't half bad
if it isn't you
Oh the world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don't much mind
a few dead minds
in the higher places
or a bomb or two
now and then
in your upturned faces
or such other improprietiesas
our Name Brand society
is prey to
with its men of distinction
and its men of extinction
and its priestsand other patrolmen
and its various segregations
and congressional investigations
and other constipations
that our fool flesh
is heir to
Yes the world is the best place of all
for a lot of such things as making the fun scene
and making the love scene
and making the sad scene
and singing low songs and having inspirations
and walking around
looking at everything
and smelling flowers
and goosing statues
and even thinking
and kissing people and
making babies and wearing pants
and waving hats and
and going swimming in river
son picnicsin the middle of the summer
and just generally'living it up'
but then right in the middle of it comes the smiling

الأحد، 9 مارس 2008

Nice cat

What is your opinion or feeling about this picture? give your comment

الاثنين، 3 مارس 2008